Victoria Testimony

During the Ministers and Leaders Conference this year I don’t think I got to sit through a whole service except the first Sunday morning because of working in my department.  I also had been sick the first part of the week, but I did get to be in a lot of the worship. God touched me during one of the services during worship when I just felt like He was showing me that I don’t have to be perfect to come to Him, but I can come to Him as my Father and He will do the work. I have really been dealing with over-perfectionism (like if I don’t do the job perfectly, it’s wrong) during internship and it feels like it’s been coming to the surface more than ever, so I know God is working on me in that area. Also, after MLC we had a Bible study and they were talking about how it sometimes feels like you don’t get to receive because you’re serving during meetings, and I was just really encouraged that I can know that God is pouring into me and doing a work in me as I’m serving/working in my department. I’ve also been learning over the past several weeks that hard work and difficult/uncomfortable situations is really just the fire of God burning stuff out of you. One recent example was with a roommate situation, I was really getting bothered about some things that I felt weren’t right that my roommate had done, but I felt like the Lord was telling me to go apologize to her for my attitude – and I’m thinking, she should apologize to me. But I finally obeyed and apologized to her and it released that thing in my heart that was bothering me and it helped me forgive her and I’m not upset about it anymore.

I also have a testimony that has panned out over the last few weeks – I was in a living situation that was getting really difficult location-wise and someone walked up to me and said they wanted to pay my first month’s rent wherever I was moving to, and I finally got to move to the location I’ve wanted to be in for a long time. Praise God!


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